In 1901 in the city of Matanzas, Cuba, a new commercial-financial company was born whose main objective was to properly manage and grow the properties and businesses of a notable family from Matanzas.
Starting in 1924, the firm called Alfonso & Ferrera, following the European tradition of the founders, began to provide commercial banking services and, from 1940, It also specialized in advisory services in insurance and investment matters for its clients in Cuba. However, radical changes in the political system of Cuba starting 1959 interrupted the development of the company, and its owners, already in their third generation, moved to the United States where it was necessary to recreate the company, initially focusing on real estate business development.
In 1980 the fourth generation of the founders expanded into the Latin American market establishing a presence in Panamá, Venezuela and Costa Rica, providing advisory and business trust services to its clients in the Americas.
As a fundamental part of its strategic growth projection, in 2016 the administrators of Alfonso & Ferrera established, a business trust (Florida Business Trust), in the the State of Florida, United States, following an existing modality in the law of the State of Massachusetts, whose registered name is The Viera Trust Florida Trust. The purpose of Viera Trust is to offer our clients the necessary services to create fiduciary structures (trust) that protect their assets and can invest intelligently in the financial and real estate market under a fiduciary structure that enhances and preserves private assets. In addition, in our work projection, custody of funds is a useful service for many clients, particularly from outside the United States.
We are trustees and confidants of private wealth, much like the role private bankers play with respect to commercial banking and investment management services. In fact, Viera Trust often fills the role of a separate interface between the client and the private banker or investment manager.
For more than 100 years, we have built a heritage of trust. Our proven track record of protecting, preserving and increasing private wealth has developed our reputation for reliability, which is the hallmark of success in our industry.
We pride ourselves on our flexible and creative approach to protecting, preserving, and enhancing private wealth. Our clients benefit from our highly personalized and professionally organized work structures, which contribute to meeting their needs for better international financial and tax planning. This concept of added value is the main focus of our customer service philosophy.
As the oracle translates, “He is fortunate due to his wise behavior.” At Viera Trust we offer a long-term service philosophy that has allowed us to continue maintaining lasting relationships with our clients. We spend time in extensive consultation with each client to achieve a full understanding of their unique needs and are committed to the long-term protection, preservation and enhancement of their private wealth.
The Viera Trust recognizes the direct relationship between its prosperity and that of its clients, employees and shareholders. Over time, we have maintained steady growth by developing state-of-the-art solutions and offering consistent and superior customer service.
At the core of our business is our commitment to developing long-term relationships with our clients, and the provision of high-quality, personalized service. At Viera Trust, we are fully committed to ensuring that the best interests of our clients are the most important consideration in our management of their international investments and business activities.
Typically, our service begins with a dialogue between the client or their professional advisors regarding tax and estate planning, asset protection, strategic corporate planning, and investment holding structures. This may cover objectives such as asset protection against future claims, pre-migration planning, family wealth distribution, cross-border business or investment structures, establishing an offshore retirement fund, and specific plans. about life insurance.
We then provide the client with a national structure or an international company in the most appropriate jurisdiction. Viera Trust provides all fiduciary or corporate management services required to manage the structure. If an international or foreign trust is required, Viera Trust will establish it in the jurisdiction that best suits the client’s objectives.
Our services

Viera Trust offers its clients and professional advisors the following consulting services:
International tax consultancy, including formal opinions for companies,trusts and individuals who invest in the Americas.
Fiscal and financial planning for expatriate and pre-immigration individuals.
Provision of advice on asset protection, including preservation of family wealth and estate planning techniques and structures.
Consulting services on the formation, operation and management of international financial entities and insurance companies, including captive insurance structures.
The structuring of international agreements on employment and retirement funds.

Viera Trust provides services in all jurisdictions of the Americas. Our 100+ year history of international business, investment and asset protection trust services enables us to add significant value to the structuring of most trust agreements.
Viera Trust offers a full suite of trust services, including:
Establishment and management of Private Trust Companies in various jurisdictions, including commercial asset protection trusts, investment trusts, employee benefit trusts and retirement funds, charitable non-profit trusts and others.
We act as trustees or administrators in “units of escrow”.
We act as custodians and fiduciary administrators of third-party monetary funds within the framework established by law and observe the powers of commercial and investment banks.
We act as trustees for private investments that require custody and act as escrow agents.
We act in the constitution and administration of Managed Trust Companies (or “cubicle”).
Provision of independent protector services for national, international or foreign commercial trusts.


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